Donnerstag, 12. Juni 2014

Radical Islamists on the move

While sectarian strife is largely to blame, there's no doubt that radical Islamists increasingly flexed their muscles and expanded their reach in recent months.
Formost among them is ISIS, which has wrested control of Iraqi cities like Falluja and parts of Ramadi as well as of Syrian towns just over the border. It has done so by exploiting the weakness of Iraq's central Shiite-dominated government, says CNN's Nic Robertson, as it has done in Mosul. Hon non bo
"It is considered too radical even for al Qaeda and, in the past months, has withstood and emerged from a jihadist backlash from its erstwhile radical Islamist allies in Syria's civil war," Robertson said. "Mosul ... has made them the single most dangerous, destabilizing radical group in the region, something al-Maliki's government seems ill-equipped to deal with."
The fall of Mosul -- a predominantly Sunni city with a population of about 1.6 million -- would be a blow to the central government, which is already struggling Tieu canh san vuon to contain an insurgency in central Anbar province.
Mosul, about 560 kilometers (350 miles) northwest of Baghdad, was once called the last stronghold of al Qaeda in Iraq by the U.S. military, and at the height of the Iraq war, Thiet ke san vuon</a it was considered one of the main entry points for foreign fighters coming into the country by way of Syria.
The security forces, particularly police, have not always been trusted in Mosul. In 2004, thousands of police officers fled their posts amid the Sunni insurgency, leaving U.S. and Kurdish forces to fight to keep control of the city.
This time around, Jala Abdulrahman saw no sign of government authorities in his Mosul neighborhood, prompting him to flee along with his wife, three children and other family members.
"Gunmen are everywhere in my neighborhood," he told CNN by telephone. "...Where are the Iraqi army and police? Where are the politicians that we trusted and voted for?"
By late Tuesday, Abdulrahman and his family were among hundreds waiting at a checkpoint on the road between Mosul and the Erbil, the capital of Iraq's semiautonomous Kurdish region.
Um Ahmed decided to drive out of Mosul at dawn with her three daughters and two sons. She wasn't taking any chances, especially knowing how gunmen killed her husband outside of a mosque in Mosul a few years ago.
"I left everything behind, and I don't know how long it will take to return back to our home," she said.
Al-Maslawi, the Mosul resident, said that while government forces were absent, ISIS fighters seemed to be in control. Members of the group even urged mobs trying to flee toward Kurdistan to go back home, he said.
"'We will not hurt anyone,'" al-Maslawi said of what ISIS members were saying. "'We have liberated the city of Mosul from al-Maliki forces ... We are running this city, and tomorrow all (businesses) need to be reopened.'

Radical Islamists on the move

While sectarian strife is largely to blame, there's no doubt that radical Islamists increasingly flexed their muscles and expanded their reach in recent months.
Formost among them is ISIS, which has wrested control of Iraqi cities like Falluja and parts of Ramadi as well as of Syrian towns just over the border. It has done so by exploiting the weakness of Iraq's central Shiite-dominated government, says CNN's Nic Robertson, as it has done in Mosul. Hon non bo
"It is considered too radical even for al Qaeda and, in the past months, has withstood and emerged from a jihadist backlash from its erstwhile radical Islamist allies in Syria's civil war," Robertson said. "Mosul ... has made them the single most dangerous, destabilizing radical group in the region, something al-Maliki's government seems ill-equipped to deal with."
The fall of Mosul -- a predominantly Sunni city with a population of about 1.6 million -- would be a blow to the central government, which is already struggling Tieu canh san vuon to contain an insurgency in central Anbar province.
Mosul, about 560 kilometers (350 miles) northwest of Baghdad, was once called the last stronghold of al Qaeda in Iraq by the U.S. military, and at the height of the Iraq war, Thiet ke san vuon it was considered one of the main entry points for foreign fighters coming into the country by way of Syria.
The security forces, particularly police, have not always been trusted in Mosul. In 2004, thousands of police officers fled their posts amid the Sunni insurgency, leaving U.S. and Kurdish forces to fight to keep control of the city.
This time around, Jala Abdulrahman saw no sign of government authorities in his Mosul neighborhood, prompting him to flee along with his wife, three children and other family members.
"Gunmen are everywhere in my neighborhood," he told CNN by telephone. "...Where are the Iraqi army and police? Where are the politicians that we trusted and voted for?"
By late Tuesday, Abdulrahman and his family were among hundreds waiting at a checkpoint on the road between Mosul and the Erbil, the capital of Iraq's semiautonomous Kurdish region.
Um Ahmed decided to drive out of Mosul at dawn with her three daughters and two sons. She wasn't taking any chances, especially knowing how gunmen killed her husband outside of a mosque in Mosul a few years ago.
"I left everything behind, and I don't know how long it will take to return back to our home," she said.
Al-Maslawi, the Mosul resident, said that while government forces were absent, ISIS fighters seemed to be in control. Members of the group even urged mobs trying to flee toward Kurdistan to go back home, he said.
"'We will not hurt anyone,'" al-Maslawi said of what ISIS members were saying. "'We have liberated the city of Mosul from al-Maliki forces ... We are running this city, and tomorrow all (businesses) need to be reopened.'

Montag, 21. April 2014

Japan expands army footprint, risks angering China

Japan began its first military expansion at the western end of its island chain in more than 40 years on Saturday, breaking ground on a radar station on a tropical island off Taiwan.

The move risks angering China, locked in a dispute with Japan over nearby islands which they both claim.

Japanese defence minister Itsunori Onodera, who attended a ceremony on Yonaguni island to mark the start of construction, suggested the military presence could be enlarged to other islands in the seas southwest of Japan's main islands.

"This is the first deployment since the US returned Okinawa (1972) and calls for us to be more on guard are growing," Onodera told reporters. "I want to build an operation able to properly defend islands that are part of Japan's territory."

The military radar station on Yonaguni, part of a longstanding plan to improve defence and surveillance, gives Japan a lookout just 150 km (93 miles) from the Japanese-held islands claimed by China.

Building the base could extend Japanese monitoring to the Chinese mainland and track Chinese ships and aircraft circling the disputed crags, called the Senkaku by Japan and the Diaoyu by China.

The 30 sq km (11 sq mile) Yonanguni is home to 1,500 people and known for strong rice liquor, cattle, sugar cane and scuba diving. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's decision to put troops there shows Japan's concerns about the vulnerability of its thousands of islands and the perceived threat from China.

The new base "should give Japan the ability to expand surveillance to near the Chinese mainland," said Heigo Sato, a professor at Takushoku University and a former researcher at the defense ministry's National Institute for Defense Studies.

"It will allow early warning of missiles and supplement the monitoring of Chinese military movements." Japan does not specify an exact enemy when discussing its defense strategy but it makes no secret it perceives China generally as a threat as it becomes an Asian power that could one day rival Japan's ally in the region, the United States.

Japan, in its National Defense Programme Guidelines issued in December, expressed "great concern" over China's military buildup and "attempts to change the status quo by coercion" in the sea and air.

China's decision last year to establish an air-defence identification zone in the East China Sea, including the skies above the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu islets, further rattled Tokyo.

Japanese and Chinese navy and coastguard ships have played cat-and-mouse around the uninhabited islands since Japan nationalised the territory in 2012. Japanese warplanes scrambled against Chinese planes a record 415 times in the year through to March, the Defence Ministry said last week.

Tapping concern about China, Abe raised military spending last fiscal year for the first time in 11 years to help bolster Japan's capability to fight for islands with a new marine unit, more longer-range aircraft, amphibious assault vehicles and helicopter carriers. Japan's thousands of islands give it nearly 30,000 km (18,600 miles) of coastline to defend.

Onodera's groundbreaking ceremony on Yonaguni took place s four days before President Barack Obama lands in Tokyo for a summit with Abe, the first state visit by a U.S. president in 18 years.

The United States, which under its security pact with Tokyo has pledged to defend Japanese territory, has warned China about taking any action over the disputed islets, but has not formally recognised Japan's claim of sovereignty over the territory.

Many of the islanders on nearby Yonaguni are looking forward to hosting the radar base and the 100 troops who will man it because of the economic boost it will bring. Others on the island, however, fear becoming a target should Japan end up in a fight.

"Opinion is split down the middle," Tetsuo Funamichi, the head of the Japan Agricultural Association's local branch, told Reuters. "It's good for the economy if they come, but some people worry that we could be attacked in an emergency." hon non bo

Onodera was also greeted on Saturday by about 50 protesters who tried to block him from entering the construction site. "Becoming a target is frightening, they won't talk to us about it, we haven't discussed it," a protestor, who declined to be identified said.

Takenori Komine, who works in an island government office, said it was a risk worth taking if it meant reviving an outpost of Japan that has been in decline since a brief postwar boom. tieu canh san vuon dep

At that time, US-occupied Yonaguni's proximity to Taiwan made it an entry point into Japan for smuggled food and clothing from Hong Kong.

Since the end of World War Two, the island's population has withered by some 90 percent. Average income of about $22,500 a year is a fifth below the national average. "We are hopeful that the arrival of the young troops will bolster local consumption," Komine said. thiet ke san vuon dep

Freitag, 11. April 2014

Saying you love but not my determination to

He did not want me to give up my dream job . I can say that because he accepted another job , but he hesitated .

Now I was 27 years old , family , friends kept asking and urging see married, with my old friends at home many people have 2 children , sometimes feeling so excited I feel . But make no stand out but people have commented coast , met people who also love you so hard not to find someone who loves me , so that I can not love anyone because they have not forgotten him .

My friend and I love each other for 2 years but has never been officially recognized as a lover, only to find out . I met friends , his siblings , a new school year considering he is married , so it is important that you not make the capital will stay with me . British police should not have the right to choose their place of work . I love the job , but if the home you certainly can not do with their professions . He did not want me to give up my dream .

I can say that because he accepted another job , but he hesitated . I decided I wanted to overcome difficulties together or will end , so that he can not answer . He just said , " Then one day you will understand why you think me so ." He did not want me to suffer , so I should love him or love to go not large enough to overcome the difficulties together ? Den led am nuoc

He always thought for the family , for me to give up so easily , but I had not the heart . I have high self-esteem so now he does not want to hold back anymore . I have to go ahead because if you keep in touch but can not lose the future youth of the girl . I love that there is no commitment to me , so now how do I forget him ? Expecting people to give me advice , which should convince him or go find someone else ? Sincerely . Dai phun nuoc

Donnerstag, 3. April 2014

When lovelorn son

Son will bury the pain , her self ' rodent ' it , and very difficult to really love again .

1 . Bury the pain in my heart

When you get hurt in love , the first reaction is the men not to give the enemy knows your suffering . According to the survey showed that 26 % of men who love being " rock " will find sorrow alcohol solution , 36 % think about " rights " when new freedom.

However, in practice , whether borrowed form " entertainments, " what, son Assembly could not avoid thinking or hang around nostalgically about the past . Most girls can cry farewell , tears make them somewhat with sadness . Guys are contradictory , they bury the pain inside, pressuring himself of his own spirit . The specter of failure in love will follow them throughout their lives , but no one knows it except them .

2 . Self " gnawing " pain alone

According to the study , the rate of recovery of scars fast women than men because of their " team " of friends and relatives crowded . As men, they are men just want to be alone facing the brutal facts , themselves " gnawing " pain that can not be shared with anyone .

One or two days after a broken heart , boy can still laughed happily in front of everyone , and proved incredibly tough and strong . But deep down , they 're throbbing heart by feelings of emptiness and inadequacy . Den led am nuoc

3 . It takes time to " open " heart again

Despite the fact that , after the end of an affair , whose son will be the new love faster than girls . But only after a few months or even a few days , they will realize their true feelings for new love can not be in the past . Sometimes the reason they work in the new situation they simply want to end the constant grief .

To " open " the true heart , men will have to take a lot of time . Because when asked , they never thought to break up the ability to not have the psychological preparation as women, they will be subject to the greater psychological pressure . In addition , many men admit that they 'd go back to the person you love, but when they realize the mistake it was too late . Dai phun nuoc

4 . Considered love as a joke

Once the pain of love that sentiment as no longer exists , loving perspective of men also changed , much more scary because they will treat love as a joke .

How many feelings of love , words exchanged honey ... are utterly useless when the enemy refuses and denies it . That 's what makes men engraved in mind . They think that a new relationship should not profound , it begins and ends as a game not to be more comfortable for both stars ?

When lovelorn son

Son will bury the pain , her self ' rodent ' it , and very difficult to really love again .

1 . Bury the pain in my heart

When you get hurt in love , the first reaction is the men not to give the enemy knows your suffering . According to the survey showed that 26 % of men who love being " rock " will find sorrow alcohol solution , 36 % think about " rights " when new freedom.

However, in practice , whether borrowed form " entertainments, " what, son Assembly could not avoid thinking or hang around nostalgically about the past . Most girls can cry farewell , tears make them somewhat with sadness . Guys are contradictory , they bury the pain inside, pressuring himself of his own spirit . The specter of failure in love will follow them throughout their lives , but no one knows it except them .

2 . Self " gnawing " pain alone

According to the study , the rate of recovery of scars fast women than men because of their " team " of friends and relatives crowded . As men, they are men just want to be alone facing the brutal facts , themselves " gnawing " pain that can not be shared with anyone .

One or two days after a broken heart , boy can still laughed happily in front of everyone , and proved incredibly tough and strong . But deep down , they 're throbbing heart by feelings of emptiness and inadequacy .Dai phun nuoc

3 . It takes time to " open " heart again

Despite the fact that , after the end of an affair , whose son will be the new love faster than girls . But only after a few months or even a few days , they will realize their true feelings for new love can not be in the past . Sometimes the reason they work in the new situation they simply want to end the constant grief .

To " open " the true heart , men will have to take a lot of time . Because when asked , they never thought to break up the ability to not have the psychological preparation as women, they will be subject to the greater psychological pressure . In addition , many men admit that they 'd go back to the person you love, but when they realize the mistake it was too late . Den led am nuoc

4 . Considered love as a joke

Once the pain of love that sentiment as no longer exists , loving perspective of men also changed , much more scary because they will treat love as a joke .

How many feelings of love , words exchanged honey ... are utterly useless when the enemy refuses and denies it . That 's what makes men engraved in mind . They think that a new relationship should not profound , it begins and ends as a game not to be more comfortable for both stars ?

Dienstag, 25. März 2014

Murmur shade of bamboo and will bring feeling relaxed , peaceful soul

What's more amazing about walking around a quiet garden , listening to the lapping of the water fountain bamboo . Handmade products with a combination of bamboo , wood rustic addition to water some flowers and beautiful foliage , this art corner was enough to " soften " the soul. Rustic beauty and intimacy of bamboo will bring peace to focus your exterior space . These small hints below can help you create an impressive courtyard garden , attractive.

With the entrance of the house or a vacant land around the long narrow side of the house , instead of in the low range of flowers , walkways create art with stones and green grass , you can grow bamboo shade scene taken . This could be a place for kids to play and also contribute to efficient green pretty small campus .
Amid the noisy , hustle of urban life , architects tend to take the images , traditional materials in modern architecture to create a space just convenience, comfort, Đài phun nước
both civil Wildlife , peace for the human soul more relaxed .

Donnerstag, 20. März 2014

. Remember to leave a gap of a few centimeters high

- Normal order not to let the tree roots and branches as multi- trunk , being si ....
- Trunk sesame shaggy , many tumors posts rustic feel , and rustic experience .
- Spike -shaped end to DIT , degassed very eye-catching .
- Is slightly big but oblong , green , serrated edges should not crude but still charming , especially when popping color filter has characteristics of " fortune " .
- When fragrant flowers bloom , let a curtain of flowers , bright pink , looks graceful , soft , seductive , in contrast to the rustic look , the old stem , accentuating the beauty of tree buds only private new sesame .

Besides these advantages , sesame also has 2 major weaknesses :
Voi phun nuoc

Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2014

while collaborating with the company

items as submersible pumps , Den led am nuoc , Dai phun nuoc ... with high quality and most reasonable price . In addition the company also CNHH Shan Shui Garden Design Construction Penjing and supply many other products and services . Our company also has warranty for all products and services of any company should be reassured customers with quality products that the company offers . Dai phun nuoc

With dedicated submersible pump items are imported from India with a well-known brand Lubi guarantees 100 % Indian origin . With good quality enclosed warranty for corporate buyers to express absolute peace of mind while collaborating with the company .

With DEN LED AM NUOC items Kettles tech equipment Son Thuy company with many different types of travelers standard capacity depending on the needs of each customer . Den led am nuoc kettle of Shan Shui Garden company guarantees 100 % waterproof with high illumination color and covered with stainless steel ( inox 304 ) quality .
With sprinklers items dedicated to providing artistic Dai phun nuoc and all other types of Dai phun nuoc . With many all types , sizes , as well as a variety of spray will make every customer satisfied most difficult issue , along with reasonable prices , quality and sales will provide the best services to customers .

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